locations.html v5  
New Xenaland
Xena and Hercules Locations

Much of Hercules and Xena has been filmed outside the studios 'on location'. Through the untiring efforts of our dedicated team of happy idiots, maybe half these locations have been tracked down and are described in the pages linked below.
However, Pacific Renaissance have a plentiful supply of forests, lakes and waterfalls which have defeated our best efforts. Particularly the waterfalls. We now have very sore feet and an increasing list of waterfalls not used by PacRen.

Never mind. On to the locations we do know about (most of them, anyway):

West Coast and beaches

Bethells Beach

North of Bethells

Bethells Valley

Waiti Valley (Bethells)

Woodhill Forest

Mangere mountain


Central Plateau

Ruapehu (and Amazon Land of the Dead)

Sturges Road (Pacific Renaissance's first outdoor sets)

Lion Park (Pacific Renaissance's later outdoor sets)

Other (and unknown) locations
   Auckland Domain
   Savage Memorial
   Green Bay
   Murphys Bush
   Hunua Falls (moved to Waterfalls page)
   Drury Quarry


Xena-friendly Accommodation and Xena-related activities

Hazards for Location Hunters

Where Is It?

The locations described have been used for many, many more scenes than it has been possible to mention in these pages. If you have a question about the location of a specific scene, by all means email: cr at orcon dot net dot nz briefly describing the scene and the episode in which it occurs (most important!) and, if I know the location, I'll happily tell you. I only know maybe half the locations used, though, so no guarantees.

'Hercules' and 'Xena' cast lists
and sequence of episodes

'Hercules' and 'Xena' interlocking storylines
(and a few of the usual suspects)

Other articles

Synopsis of Amazon High - the unscreened pilot

A Tale of Two Amazons - Karina and Olan, Amazon High

Interview - Albert and Campbell, Xena stunt actors

The Xena/Hercules props auction - and 550 Rosebank Road

The Xena/Hercules wardrobe auction

Xena/Hercules auction items

Scans from Xena and Hercules episodes on these pages are copyright of Renaissance Pictures, MCA/Universal, and their associates.
Maps are copyright Department of Land & Survey Information.
Other illustrations are copyright of the author.

Other Location Information

More information on locations and filming can be found at:


NewXenaland Main Page


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Any comments or questions, email: cr at orcon dot net dot nz