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New Xenaland
Welcome to the Xena Warrior Princess Fan Visitor Guide to New Xenaland

Here you will find pictures and easy 'how to find' instructions for some XWP locations and some famous Lucy Lawless sites.
XWP was filmed in and near Auckland, New Zealand

Lucy's Auckland

Lake Taupo

Useful Xenite Information
Getting to New Zealand
Getting Around New Zealand
Talking to (and understanding) Kiwis
New Xenalanders Online
Above pages created by Sojourner and now hosted on cr's site

'Hercules' and 'Xena' cast lists
and sequence of episodes

'Hercules' and 'Xena' interlocking storylines
Xena's back story
(and a few of the usual suspects)

Transcript of the commentary to Friend in Need

Filming Locations
Xena-friendly Accommodation and Activities

Other articles
Amazon High - the unscreened pilot Synopsis by Cheryl Ande

A Tale of Two Amazons - Karina and Olan, Amazon High

Interview - Albert and Campbell, Xena stunt actors

The Xena/Hercules props auction - and 550 Rosebank Road

The Xena/Hercules wardrobe auction

Xena/Hercules auction items
Above pages by cr
Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Exceptions are:
The 'New Xenaland' name and logos
The New Xenaland Main page and any pages linked off it (and not off this page)
Screengrabs and 'stills' from 'Hercules' and 'Xena' which are (C) Renaissance Pictures
Large-scale topographic maps which are (C) Land Information NZ

We put this up for the information of Xenafans and Hercfans
and we're happy to see it used

NewXenaland Main Page

Any comments or questions, email: cr at orcon dot net dot nz

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